When it comes to sex involving penises, the shaft gets a lot of attention, while the balls are often treated as more of an afterthought. That’s unfortunate because many people with this anatomy find it very pleasurable when their balls are sucked, licked or stroked. If you’re trying to expand your sexual repertoire, incorporating ball-sucking can be a big hit.
Why does ball play feel so good? And should you try it during play?
“Depending on your partner, scrotum play can be incredibly arousing,” Micki Allen, a sexual health and pleasure educator, tells O.school. “And because they are so often neglected during sexy time, even a light stroke or gentle cupping of them can make your partner, and their balls, feel appreciated.”
While using your hands and fingers on your partner’s balls (or your own) can feel great, ball-sucking is an especially fun activity. That’s because the soft, warm touch of the mouth is especially suited for balls, sex educator Stella Harris tells O.school.
“Mouths can be a great option for pleasuring sensitive areas of the body. The lips and tongue are capable of providing a lot of gentle sensation,” she says.
The scrotum and testicles are super vulnerable to pain because of all their nerve-endings, but those nerve-endings can also induce a ton of pleasure. Still, because the area is so sensitive, it’s best to start slow and openly communicate with your partner about what you’re doing and whether they are finding it pleasurable.
“If your partner is kind enough to offer you their balls, it's wise to handle them with tender loving care,” Allen says.
Ball Sucking: How to get started
The term “ball-sucking” is a bit misleading since it’s best to start with gentler stimulation, like licking or blowing. As you head south, remember that balls — like any other body parts — come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Your partner might have balls that are taut and close to their body. In that case, start by licking and kissing around the scrotum, says Harris. Pay particular attention to the raphe, the seam that connects the two halves of the scrotum.
If your partner has a scrotum that hangs lower from their body, it may be easier to try actual ball-sucking, Harris says. Start by gently stretching the skin. Then, take the balls into your mouth one at a time with a gentle sucking motion. Remember to take your time.
“Go slowly and check-in to make sure this sensation isn't overwhelming,” Harris says.
Once you and your partner are both comfortable, you might want to try humming a bit. This produces vibrations that can feel great on your partner’s balls. Some people even like the sensation of gentle grazing with teeth, but be sure to check with your partner about their comfort level with that.
Positions for ball sucking
The testicles and scrotum are not the easiest body parts to reach, because they’re relatively tucked away. To really enjoy ball-sucking, you have to find a position that gives access while keeping you and your partner both comfortable.
If your partner is on their back in bed, try propping their bottom-up with a pillow or wedge. That will allow you closer access to their balls, without needing to bury your face in the mattress.

Another great alternative is to have your partner stand, or sit on the edge of a bed or chair. You can kneel, getting closer access to their scrotum. Of course, the reverse of this position also works, with the person doing the ball-sucking lying or sitting, and the person with the balls standing over them.

If you would like to incorporate exploration or the perineum or anus, doggie style can also be a good position for ball sucking. This position allows you easy access to the back of the genitals.

Can ball sucking hurt?
Many people with balls have experienced the pain that comes when their balls are hit or handled too roughly. So, it’s natural that many people want to proceed with caution, even when they’re letting a trusted partner handle their balls.
“Balls are incredibly sensitive and it's safest to assume someone will like gentle touch,” Harris says.
Some people like more rough ball play, but that’s something to slowly work up to.
In the beginning, stick to soft touches. You might want to use a water-based lube as well, which can make balls sucking easier for the giver and receiver.
Although most people have two balls, Harris recommends thinking of them as one unit, rather than trying to separate them. Allen explains that each testicle has a spermatic cord that attaches it to the body, so twisting the scrotum can be painful and dangerous for many people.
Learning to enjoy ball sucking
Ball sucking isn’t a sexual activity that we tend to hear much about, but it can be a super pleasurable and intimate act for everyone involved. Many people find a lot of pleasure in having their balls sucked, and it may be a sexual act they haven’t tried before. Seeing how much you can pleasure your partner can be a huge turn on for you. And, since your mouth is doing the ball work you can use your hands to focus on your own pleasure.
“Seeing your partner experience pleasure can be incredibly arousing,” Harris said.
In addition, there is a level of trust involved in allowing someone access to your balls, she said.
“Because the balls are such a sensitive area, there's also a lot of trust and vulnerability involved, and it can feel good to know your partner is comfortable letting you explore that area of their body.”