Does size matter? It’s certainly a hot topic when it comes to penises, but you don’t hear too much about size when it comes to the clitoris. Maybe that’s because people have a hard enough time even finding it. (This could be funny, if it weren’t so sad.) But even though we don’t talk about clit size as much as penis size, many of us still wonder if our clit is too big or too small.
Are you wondering “is my clit too big?” and “is there anything wrong with that?”
First, it’s important to understand that there’s an incredibly wide range of “normal” when it comes to the size and shape of our bodies. So much so that the term “normal” isn’t particularly useful. Ultimately, if you’re not experiencing any pain or distress, you’re most likely fine.
Part of the reason people wonder if their clit is a normal size, however, is because the clit is not as externally structured as a penis, and can be harder to see on other people. We don’t have many visual reference points for what normal-size is, so it leaves us wondering what we’re “supposed” to look like. It’s easy to think there’s something wrong with us if we don’t look like what we’ve seen in porn, or a book —which are not great sources for comparison, if we’re going to do any comparing at all, that is.
In fact, so many people are worried about what their vulvas look like that there’s a booming industry in cosmetic surgery on the vulva — all too often resulting in diminished pleasure because the surgeries are focusing on looks, not function. According to the International Society of Aesthetic Cosmetic Surgery (ISAPS) labiaplasty is among the fastest growing cosmetic surgical procedures. Worldwide, the procedure saw a 45% increase from 2015 to 2016.
The vulva is the whole external genital area starting at the mons or pubic mound and extending downwards, encompassing the inner and outer labia. Some people’s clits are prominent enough they can be seen when looking at a vulva and on other bodies, they’re nestled in the folds of other tissue.
Are you “supposed” to see the clit from the outside?
Not only is every vulva unique, but the part of the clitoris you can see from the outside varies widely. On some bodies. you can barely see the clit at all, and on other bodies the clit is incredibly prominent.
Note that the clit is like an iceberg with most of the action being underneath the surface where you can’t see it. What you’re looking at from the outside is the clitoral glans and hood, but underneath, you have the clitoral legs and the vestibular bulbs.

So, when it comes to how big a clit should actually be, there is some science on the matter.
According to a 1992 study by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of South Florida, the average width of the clit is the same as the opening of a standard size straw. (Perfectly mouth-sized!)The same study found variance in distance from the head of the clit to the opening of the vaginal canal.
Another 2014 study, by the Division of Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery, focused on the relationship between clitoral size and the distance from the vaginal opening, and how that affects a person’s ability to orgasm. The study surveyed 10 cis-women who do not experience orgasm (anorgasmic) and 20 cis-women who do. Those who were anorgasmic had a smaller clit size and a greater distance between the clit and the vaginal opening.
It’s important to note that these studies were based on a very small sample, and were done on non-aroused bodies. With arousal, the clitoris swells and can roughly double in volume. Altogether, the clitoral complex has as much erectile tissue as a penis, so not only does the visible part of the clit swell, the whole complex engorges during arousal. And it’s this engorgement that can help make touch, friction, and penetration more pleasurable.
While size and position might have some bearing on your pleasure experience, ultimately what’s important is that you become intimately familiar with your own body. Find which areas of the vulva are most sensitive to touch, figure out what kind of clit stimulation works for you, and explore different kinds of penetration.
Just like faces, every vulva (and clit!) is unique! And just like faces, they all have their own beauty. While we all have something a little different to work with, being accepting and comfortable in your own skin can make sex that much more pleasurable. So while we can’t control exactly how we’re arranged or how we compare to our friends, we can spend time working on how we feel about ourselves — and ultimately that’s the most important thing.